Pokemon DS SoulSilver
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Amazon.com Product Description
Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version return players to the scenic Johto region first introduced in the beloved original Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver games nearly a decade ago. The richly detailed adventure of Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver is now enhanced for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi systems with updated graphics and sound, as well as new touch-screen features and a host of surprises. Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version bring dozens of Pokémon characters back into the limelight for a new Pokémon generation - and longtime fans - to catch, train and battle.
| The Pokéwalker Included: |
Customer Reviews
Don't let the fact that this game is a remake fool you.
I'm going to start right out with it. BUY THIS GAME! This game is amazing on many fronts which is why it deserves a buy if you have a DS (maybe even buy a DS to play this game).
Gameplay: 10/10
The gameplay is as fresh as ever. The formula that GameFreak put down so many years ago still works. If you have already played any of the previous Pokemon games, there are basically no changes, other than the fact of the addition of a few minigames and a pokemon can walk behind you. For newcomers, here's how the Pokemon formula works: You start an adventure with a starter pokemon, and then train to become the best pokemon trainer in the world. You do this by defeating other trainers who roam the land while also catching some extra pokemon of your own. The formula is straight up addictive and the plot is also well done.
Graphics: 8/10
It's pokemon on the DS. The game uses the same graphics engine as Diamond, Pearl and Platinum and yes, the graphics aren't top notch. I have definitely seen better on the DS (Mario Kart being a great example), but once again, the entire point of Pokemon is the gameplay and the replay value, not the graphics. As a plus however, many trainers have new animations and some gyms just look really, REALLY good. The atmosphere outside of special events could've used some work though.
Sound: 7/10
I will admit it, I am getting a bit disappointed with GameFreak recycling their 8-bit recorded cries for the Pokemon on every single game. These cries are the same we had 10 years ago. On the other hand, the overall soundtrack is really good, and I have also heard there is a way to get the original soundtrack back in the game by achieving a certain item. In general, the sound is ok, but I think GameFreak needs to do a little overhaul with the Pokemon cries.
Replay Value: 15/10
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? 16 BADGES! 3 TOTAL STARTERS YOU CAN GET! Straight up epic. I, in my own right, already thought that all the other games that only had 8 badges and one region were long enough, but WOW. This game is amazing (I already had the Japanese version, and have played to the second Elite Four, and it's taken me a good 40 hours already) in this criteria for sure.
Final Verdict:
If you have a DS, BUY THIS GAME. If you don't, BUY A DS, and then BUY THIS GAME. Amazing characters, amazing battles, amazing starter pokemon (who doesn't love them a nice Typhlosion?), and great replay value. You won't be disappointed.
Ten years ago...
Okay, so I've been playing Pokemon games since the original Red and Blue here in the US. The Gold/Silver/Crystal trio were, and still are, my favorite of the series (Crystal obviously being the best, since it was for the Game Boy Color and it had a load more stuff in it). These remakes are very much a welcome thing, as they've used the engine from Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, and the experience has been brought up to date. All sorts of new things to do, having any Pokemon of your choice follow you around is pretty neat, though not a selling point, loads of extras (you can catch most Pokemon in the series in these two remakes, as a way to try to phase out the GBA games/slot on the DS Lite and move on to the DSi and DSi XL), and the fact that this game has much more length than the average Pokemon game (you go to the Johto region for the 8 badges there, then you head to Kanto for the 8 badges there, 16 total), this is a very nice package deal. The Pokewalker, while, again, not a selling point, is a really neat addition as well. Catching Pokemon on the run, walking and gaining EXP for the Pokemon of your choice is a really cool addition. I go on almost daily walks with my dog, so the Pokewalker is a really cool addition for me personally, cause now I can take my Pokemon with me and level up while I walk. All of the additions (Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, three sets of starter pokemon obtainable in one game, Pokeathalon, Global Trade, etc.) make for a lengthy quest, and the ammount of time you can spend playing these games if you truly know the ins and outs of leveling, EV training, natures and whatnot, you can truly have a game that you can and will play for years. If you're not a fan of Pokemon, or have never picked up one of the games, this is a perfect game to get you going. Lots of fun, amazing ammount of time to spend doing all the things there are to do. And, if you have what it takes to get all of the 493 (staggering, isn't it? I remember how stoked I was when I finally got all 151 on the original Red) Pokemon, you truly... have more patience than me. None the less, it's a lot of fun, being able to trade and battle just add more, and the new Pokewalker all add up to a very great deal for your money. It's been ten years since Gold and Silver hit the shelves, and this is an amazing reawakening for those games.
Ahhhhhh the past has returned......
So, pretty much like everyone else, I too played this game ten years ago....and it was my favorite next to Red version of course. When I heard these games were being remade all I could think was "about time!" but with remakes comes enjoyment and disappointment, and for the most part I've seen no disappointments. It's like playing the original silver version x 10. These games are EXCELLENT and gamefreak/nintendo put alot of effort into these games and it shows. With the obvious Johto and Kanto Pokemon you can also trade right away with diamond, pearl, and platinum! You can also migrate endlessly with ruby, sapphire, leaf green, fire red, and emerald. So, for the nostalgia freaks such as myself you WILL NOT be disappointed, it's the exact same game from ten years ago but its been enhanced dramatically so you're not playing the same game, but you're also playing somewhat of a new game also with all of the new features added. This game is a 12/10 for me and any Pokemon fan or previous fan should have these games. IMO I think these games are the definitive versions for Generation 4! And if you don't have em' already then WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! It even comes with a pokewalker (pedometer) so how could you go wrong? you can't
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